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    Talk type: Talk

    Weak memory concurrency in C/C++11

    Ori will introduce the formal underpinning of the C/C++ concurrency model from 2011 and the key ideas behind it. He will discuss some of the flaws of the model, ways of correcting it, and some remaining open problems.

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    Talk type: Talk

    The H2O distributed K/V algorithm

    A fast (typically under a microsecond) and exact (Java Memory Model) distributed key/value store.

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    Talk type: Talk

    The Azul Hardware Transactional Memory experience

    Azul made a really strong Hardware Transactional Memory, and yet in practice it was not good enough to run Java synchronized blocks concurrently — and Cliff will tell you why it didn't work and why HTM/STM in general will not allow concurrent execution in practice.

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    Talk type: Talk

    Not all ML algorithms go to distributed heaven

    Alexey will tell about problems of adapting classic machine learning algorithms for distributed execution from his experience of working with Apache Spark ML, Apache Mahout, Apache Flink ML and creating Apache Ignite ML.

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    Talk type: Talk

    Distributed transactions in YDB

    We'll explore transaction planning algorithm which Yandex Database (YDB) transactional system is based on. We'll see which entities participate in transactions, who sets global order for the transactions, and how transaction atomicity, reliability and high-level isolation are achieved.

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    Talk type: Talk

    Liberating distributed consensus

    We revisit the underlying theory behind Paxos, weakening its original requirements and generalising the algorithm.

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    Talk type: Talk

    Structured concurrency

    We'll tell the story of the path that we went through when designing concurrency libraries for Kotlin programming language.

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    Talk type: Talk

    Blockchains and the future of distributed computing

    This talk surveys the theory and practice of blockchain-based distributed systems from the point of view of classical distributed computing, and how treating blockchains as a distributed computing problem simplifies everything.

  • Talk type: Talk

    Q & A

    Attendees will be expected to watch videos of Leslie's talks "Programming Should Be More Than Coding" and "If You're Not Writing a Program, Don't Use a Programming Language", and Leslie will answer questions related to the topics of these talks. Each attendee should prepare at least one question.

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    Talk type: Talk

    Dual data structures

    How java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue and java.util.concurrent.Exchanger work, and why you should care if you write multithreaded code.